Spiritual   Karon DeBrosse

Sunshine  Mary Ann Schoen
Notify Mary Ann if you know of a member’s illness or a special event.  A note will be sent from all of us in CCS to reflect our concern or joy.


Our  executive board members

Marilyn McMichael

Chapter President

Marilyn McMichael  President

Madelon Kinzig  VP Membership

Susan Whalen  VP Service

Connie Crompton  VP Ways and Means 

Joan Zobrist  Recording Secretary

Marie McManus  Treasurer

Martha Pascale  Assistant Treasurer

Layettes   Anne Sweeney and Julie Stafford

Layette Support  Nancy Adkiins

Grants  Linda Skuns & Jo Anne Reiling

NominationsVP/Membership, Asst. Treasurer, plus 2 At-Large members

Social Media   Julie Stafford

Directory  ​Madelon Kinzig

Carmen Nelson   Corr. Secretary & Memorials

Jan Scheid   Bookkeeper 

Barb Cogliano   Historian

Anne Mahoney / Nora Sharkey   Provisional Co Chairs

Julie Stafford   Publicity

Our  board members

    Our President