Our service to St. Vincent de Paul


Underwear Drive

Many thanks to all who donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Underwear Drive.  We collected over $1600 in less than a week. We were able to donate 54 items for women(Penney's ran out of inventory), 117 items for girls, 119 items for boys and 330 items for men.  With the "leftover" money we bought 10 sets of twin bed sheets, 10 bath towels, and 20 washcloths. All items were delivered on Tuesday, July 14th, 2021.  The St. Vincent workers were truly overwhelmed by your generosity.  A Big Thank You to Mary Jean Walter for organizing and ordering all the items. 

On April 27, 2022 the Christ Child Society of Dayton was selected to receive the Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley 2022 Community Leadership Award for our commitment to the children and families who we serve.  The award was a beautifully engraved crystal bowl.

Sack Lunches
Well, our Christ Child ladies have been very busy helping others during this pandemic.  On July 14th, Ruth Kibler and Kathy Farrey delivered 210 sack lunches to the St. Vincent de Paul clients. Thank You to all the volunteers who helped in this ministry.  Kathy will let us know when the next dates are scheduled for making sack lunches in August and September.

Christ Child Society of Dayton Wins Award


Lucille Nagy Carroll
Connecting through Art at the DePaul Center
Click here to read the article.